
My first experience of someone dying was at the age of 7 when my dad’s second wife Alice died at home. I do not remember how I felt, but the loss of my dad at 91 on 23/02/2017 last year followed by mum 2 months later, 23/04/2017, is still very much in my heart and thoughts. It was during this period that we had the long battle with Social Services and then the children removed for adoption that I struggled most with my parents’ deaths. Due to the difficult times our family experienced during my childhood, we were a close family and my parents would always be there to talk to about good and bad times in our lives.

I found this period very difficult without my parents to talk to. I would visit their ashes at our church and found myself talking to them. At night when this was not possible, I would talk to a photograph of them. Only in finding comfort when I wrote down what I wanted to tell them could I then move on. I have included bereavement on this website as I feel both adults and children can benefit from creating a board to help them with their loss and help them grieve. Starting their healing process through writing their feelings down.

By creating a message board we can still tell our loved one how we are feeling, good or bad, and send them cards on special days. It will be there for you until you feel you’re ready to move on and no longer need it.

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